Getting Past Study Burnout
Symptoms of Burnout
Study burnout can creep up slowly, but recognizing the early symptoms helps to prevent the condition from progressing. The symptoms of burnout include fatigue and a lack of motivation. The condition differs from stress in the absence of motivation. People under stress feel compelled to complete tasks, while those experiencing study burnout feel apathetic toward academic goals and have an unwillingness to continue studying. Burnout can cause you to feel detached, isolated, helpless and hopeless.
Break Up Your Study Time
If your workload is overwhelming, break your study time into manageable chunks. Breaking the study time into smaller sessions allows you to give your mind and body a break. Moving around or going for a walk gets the blood flowing again. Go for a 15-minute walk every couple of hours to break up your study sessions. Determine how much work you must accomplish to complete your study goals. For example, it might not be necessary to read an entire textbook to study for a class. Determine the information the professor expects you to learn, and focus your attention on that.
Study in a Group
Working with other students who have a commitment to academic success helps you stay focused during your study sessions. Studying with others also makes the time more enjoyable. Choose study partners who are interested in achieving success to boost your motivation. Study partners can also provide support during stressful times, such as before final examinations.
Sleep and Caffeine
Get plenty of rest during periods of high stress. When you are fatigued from a lack of sleep, your study efforts will be less effective. It is difficult to retain information when you are tired. Use caffeine sparingly to maintain your energy while studying. While caffeine can keep you awake, it will become ineffective if you consume an excessive amount. Eat healthy snacks, such as fruits and vegetables, to maintain your energy during long study sessions.
Set Aside Relaxation Time
Even with a full workload, it is important to set aside relaxation time for yourself every day. Meditation, physical exercise or relaxing with a good book takes your mind off your stressful studies.