How to Keep From Stressing
Watch what you eat. What you put into your body has a lot to do with your emotions, including stress. Minimize stress by consuming a nutritious diet full of whole grains, lean meats, fresh vegetables and fruits. Restrict your consumption of junk food (everything from fast food to sugary doughnuts), alcohol and caffeine. Caffeine exacerbates the feeling of stress.
Work out frequently. Exercise not only does wonders for the physique, but also for the mind. Aim for half an hour of daily fitness to prevent and soothe feelings of stress, nervousness and depression. Go for a brisk jog outdoors. Use a stationary bike at your nearby gym. Walk on the treadmill.
Talk to people. Keeping your emotions inside is never healthy. Practice strong mental health by opening up and communicating with the people in your life, including family members and best friends. If you had a tough day at the office, talk it out with your significant other, closest pal or sibling. Venting is an effective means for stress management and prevention.
Enjoy some alone time. No matter how hectic and crazed your daily schedule is, you need a little bit of time to yourself. Take between 10 and 20 minutes every day just to be alone and collect your thoughts in peace. Sit alone in a quiet place and turn on some calming music. Focus on your breathing. Relax your muscles to release all of the tension from your body.
Maintain a consistent sleeping schedule. Go to bed and wake up at a dependable hour each day. If you receive adequate nightly rest, the less likely you will be to experience stress every day. When you're exhausted, your mind isn't as alert or in control as normal, which causes stress. Shoot for a minimum of eight hours every night.
Refrain from overbooking yourself. A lot of people suffer from stress simply due to having too much to do. Allow yourself some room to breathe by only scheduling in things that are realistic. Also, do not feel guilty if someone asks you to do something that you just cannot fit in. Realize that if you are stressed out and tired, you probably will be of no good use anyway.