How to Create Endorphins
Things You'll Need
- Meditation CD
Make an appointment to see a certified acupuncturist. The Chinese have used acupuncture for more than 8,000 years to access pressure points that can assist in the production of endorphins, according to Scott Suvow, a National Board Certified Acupuncturist and specialist in Chinese herbology.
Listen to a meditation CD that takes you to the alpha state of relaxation. In this state, your body naturally triggers the production and release of endorphins. What's more, you continue to benefit from this natural high even after you have stopped listening to the CD. Depression Guide notes that additional benefits include lowering your heart rate and blood pressure and stimulating bronchial dilation, which helps asthmatics breath more easily.
Engage in sexual activity with a loved one. Not only does the release of endorphins after orgasm give you a natural high, but it also can boost your immune system against colds, viruses like the flu and other common ailments, according to the Natural Remedy Guides website.
Exercise. Prolonged exercise at a high intensity also stimulates endorphin production. Go for a long swim, run or bike ride, and when you get that sluggish feeling, keep going. Shortly after, you will get a "second wind," which is the release of the endorphins.