What to Do When You're Feeling Antsy?
Feelings of irritability and restlessness can stem from underlying worry or anxiety. Identifying the source of the anxiety or worry may alleviate some of that antsy feeling by helping to let go of unproductive worry. Having a support network of friends and family is also extremely helpful in calming worry and relieving symptoms of anxiety. Talking out problems with somebody willing to listen, even if she doesn't offer advice, can help the mind resolve internal turmoil and let go of the resulting stress.
Physical Calming
Being antsy, general restlessness and irritability may be a result of the body physically being on edge. Tense muscles, elevated heart rate and shallow breathing all occur when the body is in a state of physical anxiety. Sitting quietly and taking slow deep breaths will bring the body's level of stress down and help slow the heart rate. In addition, systematically tensing and relaxing individual muscles, working from one end of the body to the other, also aids in releasing that stress. Pulling the body back away from a heightened state of alert and tension to a calmer and more relaxed state will help tranquillize feelings of restlessness.
The surrounding environment can have an effect on a person's stress and tension. If possible, moving to a more calming environment can quickly calm many antsy feelings. A few calming additions to an existing environment can have the same effect. Light scented candles or use aromatherapy oils to create soothing scents. Listen to relaxing music or calming sounds from nature. In some cases the feelings of anxiety may be caused by certain people in the environment. Identifying individuals who triggers antsy feelings and avoiding those people when irritability begins to grow, can help prevent prolonged periods of restlessness.
Persistent or recurring periods of antsy behavior or anxiety may signal a need for a change in lifestyle. Unhealthy lifestyle choice can heighten anxiety and increase the chances a suffering an agitated state. Too much caffeine or sugar in a diet can over stimulate the body, triggering a state of unease or physical anxiety. Lack of regular exercise can also be the culprit. Exercising even a small amount every day can increase the body's ability to handle stress and reduce tension.