Why Does Laughing Make You Happy?
Releases Endorphins
Endorphins are protein molecules that are created by the cells in our nervous systems. The brain releases endorphins during laughter and these endorphins act as all-natural mood enhancers as well as energy boosters. Endorphins also have pain relieving properties and they have similar effects to morphine. So just the mere act of laughing and smiling releases these endorphins into our bodies. The chemical reaction improves our overall mood and increases our energy levels. No wonder laughter inspires happiness, it provides an all-natural high.
Laughter literally relaxes you, mentally and physically. When you are laughing you are not thinking about all your worries and anxieties. You are simply in the moment; living in that state produces happiness. It also helps that it physically makes you feel good. Laughter stimulates your muscles, which in turn increases circulation. The increased circulation aids in muscle relaxation. It alleviates physical tension in the body and it wipes away stress. After a good laugh your muscles relax for up to 45 minutes.
Boosts Immunity
Laughter contributes to happiness by increasing overall health. Laughter has been known to decrease four neuroendocrine hormones which are commonly associated with stress responses: epinephrine, cortisol, dopac and growth hormone. By decreasing these stress hormones you are boosting immune cells. Laughter itself also boosts T-cells and B-cells, both of which support the immune system. It is also important to note that negativity and stressful thoughts can create chemical reactions in the body, thus decreasing immunity. Positive acts like laughter release neuropeptides which work against stress and illness, thus promoting happiness.
Heart Health
The physical act of laughing increases your intake of oxygen, thus stimulating vital organs: heart, lungs, and muscles. As you laugh you breath in deeply, which shoots oxygen-enriched blood throughout the body. This act improves the function of your blood vessels by increasing blood flow. Since laughing is a physical act it increases your heart rate and blood pressure, which leaves you in a relaxed state of mind.