How to Deal With a Noisy Upstairs Neighbor
Invite your neighbor down for coffee. This may be a welcome gesture if she is new to the building or to the neighborhood. As you become acquainted, inform her of the noise level coming from upstairs and discuss ways to alleviate the problem.
Call a truce and tell your neighbor how the noise is affecting you. Don't assume she knows and resist the urge to make personal attacks when you meet. This is not meant to be a confrontation, but a negotiation. Be specific in pointing out where the noise is coming from or where it is loudest. Note the types of noise and in general the noisiest time periods. Being specific may help both of you to pin down concrete solutions.
Investigate solutions with your neighbor, if possible. For example, the problem could be solved with carpeting or area rugs. Or you could investigate debarking services for her dog.
Write a letter to your neighbor if a face-to-face meeting seems out of the question. Outline the issue and possible solutions. Refrain from snarky comments and accusations; your intention is for a peaceful resolution. Be specific as you would in a conversation and copy the letter to your landlord and tenants` or residents` association.
Ask the landlord to intervene. He has a vested interest in having the issue resolved and may offer to assist by installing carpeting and addressing other areas such as windows, floorboards and cracks that could help to reduce the decibel level.
Get your tenants' or residents' association or committee involved, if other measures fail. The committee may be able to negotiate a solution, offer ideas, put pressure on your neighbor to change her errant ways or even recommend that she be evicted. If others have also complained about the noisy neighbor you could work with the association or committee to put pressure on the noisemaker to conform or you could team up to take the matter further.
Call the police. Team up with others who are also being disturbed and make a joint complaint. Police in some jurisdictions will only respond if two or more people complain.
Take legal action. However, be prepared to present a solid case if you decide to go through the court to silence your neighbor. You will need to show how the excessive and continuous noise is affecting your enjoyment of your home and present evidence that you have asked your neighbor to stop.
Move. If all else fails and you're not prepared for a legal battle or the ongoing disruptions, your only choice may be to find another place.