When someone says you have a sexiness about you?
1. Take it as a compliment: If you feel comfortable with the compliment, you can simply thank the person and smile. You don't have to say anything else, as a simple "Thank you" can be enough to acknowledge their words and convey your appreciation.
2. Respond with confidence: If you feel confident and want to engage in a conversation, you can respond with something like "Oh really? In what ways do you find me sexy?" This shows that you're comfortable with the compliment and are open to discussing the matter further.
3. Redirect the conversation: If the compliment makes you uncomfortable or if the situation is not appropriate, you can choose to redirect the conversation to another topic. This could involve asking the person a question about themselves, discussing a shared interest, or simply moving on to another subject altogether.
4. Set boundaries: If someone keeps making comments about your sexiness that make you uncomfortable, it's important to set boundaries. You can politely but firmly tell the person that you appreciate their compliments but would prefer not to discuss such matters.
5. Understand the intention: Keep in mind that the person may have intended to compliment you and not meant anything inappropriate. Misinterpretation can happen, so try to read the person's body language and tone to gauge their intentions.
Remember that your feelings and comfort level are the most important factors in determining how you respond. It's okay to express gratitude, feel flattered, or set boundaries, based on what works best for you in the specific situation.