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Can we say keep strong and has it a meaning?

"Keep strong" is a phrase used to encourage someone to stay strong or be brave in the face of adversity or difficulty. It is often used in situations where someone is going through a challenging period, such as an illness, a loss, or a difficult life event.

"Keep strong" can also be used to offer support and encouragement to someone who is about to undertake something difficult or daunting. For example, a coach or mentor might tell their team or students to "keep strong" before a competition or a challenging task.

The phrase "keep strong" is often used in conjunction with other words or phrases that convey a similar message of support and encouragement, such as "stay strong," "hang in there," or "be strong."

Overall, "keep strong" is a positive and supportive phrase that is used to encourage someone to stay strong, be brave, or persevere in the face of difficulty or adversity.

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