What might an abnormal stress test show?
- Chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea or light-headedness during the test
- ST-segment depression, which is a change in the electrical activity of the heart that is associated with reduced blood flow to the heart muscle
- Arrhythmias, which are abnormal heart rhythms that can be caused by stress
- Reduced exercise capacity, which is the inability to exercise for as long as expected or at the same intensity as before
- A drop in blood pressure during exercise
- Failure of the heart rate to increase normally with exercise
- Chest pain that lasts more than a few minutes, or chest pain that is not relieved by rest
- Dizziness, fainting or confusion
- Any other symptoms or signs that suggest the heart is unable to meet the body's demands for oxygen during exercise.
If the abnormal stress test is a result of problems related to narrowed or blocked coronary arteries (most commonly known as coronary artery disease or CAD), it is an important warning sign that heart disease may be present and warrants further evaluation.