How do you know if have PTSD?
Here are some common symptoms of PTSD:
1) Intrusive memories: Flashbacks, nightmares, or intrusive thoughts related to the traumatic event. These may occur suddenly and unexpectedly, and can be very distressing.
2) Avoidance: People with PTSD may avoid situations, places, or people that remind them of the traumatic event. They may also avoid talking about or thinking about the event.
3) Negative changes in mood and thinking: Feeling depressed, hopeless, or irritable. Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions. Feeling constantly on edge or hypervigilant. Having negative beliefs about oneself or the world.
4) Changes in physical reactions: Increased heart rate, sweating, or shortness of breath. Difficulty sleeping or feeling restless. Feeling tense or muscular pain. Startling easily.
5) Emotional numbing: Feeling emotionally detached or disconnected from others. Difficulty feeling positive emotions.
It is important to note that PTSD can develop after a single traumatic event or after repeated trauma over time. It can also emerge some time after the traumatic event, sometimes even years later. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, it is important to seek professional help from a mental health provider who specializes in trauma treatment.