How to Not Let Yourself Be Bothered by People Judging You
Ensure that you're not being judgmental of others. Avoid the hypocrisy of being offended or hurt by the judgments of others while doling them out your selves.
Walk away from judgmental people. Avoid listening to their criticisms and judgments because ultimately, you don't have to listen to anything that you don't want to. Tom Ferry, author of "Life By Design" points out that just because someone else judges you, nothing inherently makes that judgment right, or even valid. Power comes from walking away from their opinions and living life on your terms instead.
Recognize where judgments are coming from. Learn to tell yourself that people who judge you are doing so because of their own securities, not because of anything that is ultimately wrong with you.
Remind yourself that no one is perfect. People who are judgmental often hold people up to impossible standards that are completely unrealistic. Tell yourself that working hard at personal happiness, relationships or your career is good enough, and that regardless of what anyone else says, doing that is something worth being proud of.
Speak to a psychologist regarding the feelings you have when you feel people are judging you. Ask for information on a condition called social anxiety disorder. When people are affected by other people's opinions to the point where it impairs their own life, it can be a symptom of this condition. If so, there is hope, as therapy has proved to be an effective tool in the treatment of social anxiety disorder.