How to Overcome an Obstacle to Reach Your Goal
Write down a clear goal and why you want to achieve it. If you quit smoking, you'll increase your chances of living to see your grandchildren grow up, and will please your family. Whenever you're wavering, reread what you've written.
Break down the goal into achievable daily milestones. At the end of the day, review your progress and set your goals for the next day. Focusing on quitting smoking for one day is much easier than quitting for a lifetime.
Dream about what it would be like to achieve your goal. Dream about what it would be like to achieve the goal. Imagine yourself living a smoke-free lifestyle. Employ visualization whenever the obstacle threatens to destroy your success.
Plan for the obstacle to arise and know what you're going to do about it. According to the website Working Knowledge, obstacles can be overcome through careful planning and allocation of resources. Plan to nibble something healthy whenever a cigarette craving kicks in; then stock the refrigerator with carrots and fruit.
Reward yourself. Every time you reach a major milestone, give yourself a reward. You can save the money you would have spent on cigarettes on a movie and dinner when you're cigarette-free for a month. Positive affirmations are important reinforcements -- tell yourself how well you're doing.