Physical Effects of Worry
Digestive Issues
Worry and anxiety often cause individuals to suffer from nausea or an upset stomach. Additionally, constipation or diarrhea may also occur, as well as stomach cramps or other digestive issues. Worry may also cause changes in eating habits, which may result in unhealthy weight changes.
Heart and Lungs
Worry and anxiety cause your heart rate to rise. Chest pain may also occur. Over time, chronic anxiety may result in heart problems or heart attack. Shallow, rapid breathing may occur as a result of worry, and shortness of breath is also common.
Other Symptoms
Excessive worry may make it difficult for you to swallow. Dizziness often occurs as a result of worry, and dry mouth is also a common symptom. Feeling anxious may cause sweating or shaking, or may cause a twitching sensation. Aches and pains are also a common symptom of anxiety. Over time, worry may decrease the ability of your immune system to fight off illness, resulting in frequent colds and other illnesses.
Treatment and Prevention
Lifestyle changes may help you treat or prevent worry and anxiety. Engage in regular exercise and eat a healthy, balanced diet. When you are feeling worried, find ways to relax: meditation, yoga, deep breathing or relaxing in a hot bath are all options. Talk to a friend when you are feeling worried or seek a support group. Talk to your doctor about therapy or medication to ease your anxiety.