How to Love Again After Abuse
Work through your pain before entering a new relationship. If necessary, seek help from a licensed counselor and talk to him about the details of the abuse you suffered, and what this abuse has done to you emotionally. Also read some books which specifically help abused people heal emotionally and love again.
Surround yourself with family and friends. If your parents live near you, visit them often during the week and discuss your struggles to regain your self-worth. Or if you have a friend who knows about your situation and wants to help you in this process, allow her to be there for you.
Set boundaries for yourself. If you were in a relationship with someone who only dated you for your looks or finances and was unfaithful, decide that you will not tolerate these things in the next relationship. Or if you were with someone who constantly criticized your weight and physically abused you, resolve to not date an individual who is insecure, selfish and manipulative.