How to Rise Above Abuse
Seek mental health counseling. If you cannot afford a therapist, look for crisis centers and free health clinics in your area. They will be able to provide you with a free-to-low-cost mental counselor or at least refer you to one.
Spend time cultivating your interests. Get into gardening or start taking a dance class. The point is to regain self-worth by investing time in things that both make you happy and add to your skill set.
Exercise. Getting physically fit will not only increase the level of endorphins and good-mood chemicals in your brain, you will have better self-esteem and a greater feeling of control and power when physical threats are present.
Remove the person who abused you completely from your life. This means breaking ties with mutual friends you might have with that person and removing any items from your home that may remind you of them. You are looking for a clean slate to rebuild your life and your mentality.
Relocate if possible. Getting away from the environment where the abuse occurred will make it easier to deal with it and eventually get over it. Most importantly, though, you won't have to fear running into your abuser anymore.