Difference Between Displacement & Sublimation
Defense Mechanisms
The interaction of the id, ego and superego often results in great anxiety. Freud asserted that humans seek to reduce this tension by rationalizing anxiety-producing drives. All of these drives involve denial or repression in some way, thus reducing the harmful effect of the threatening thought or impulse. Although Freud posited the idea of the defense mechanism, it was his daughter, Anna Freud, who developed the idea in her work.
Displacement occurs when someone redirects a particular emotion toward a less threatening or easier target. Someone may reassign anger from a person to a pet, for example, or work aggression to aggression at home. Sexual drive and fear can be displaced as well. An urge that is deemed unacceptable by that person will be vented in a more acceptable way.
Sublimation is when a person vents unacceptable impulses in a way that is more socially acceptable. A person can channel an undesirable drive into something productive. For example, a person with an aggressive impulse could become a building demolition expert or athlete. Unwanted sexual desire could be turned into the energy behind a passionate business maneuver or form of artistic expression. Freud saw sublimation as a driving force of some art and literature.
Displacement vs. Sublimation
Both displacement and sublimation involve dealing with unwanted impulses and feelings by focusing away from the intended target. Satisfying these urges in a less harmful way will calm the ego and reduce anxiety. However, sublimation means that a person converts unpleasant energies into positive or useful ones. Displacement often is merely transferring a negative energy over to a new target. Displacement may be considered a generally maladaptive defense mechanism, while sublimation is generally a healthy one.