How to Overcome Pressures by Society
Challenge your thinking. If you find yourself thinking in a negative way about your coping skills or your achievements, stop in your tracks and question this. Write a list of all the positive things in your life. Write another list of your achievements. You will probably be surprised at how long both lists are. Overload can make people panic and doubt their ability.
Review your work, home and other commitments. Sometimes people take on far too much. This might work for a while, but if your circumstances change, you may feel that the whole structure is going to topple. Look at what you do, and explore ways of decreasing the pressure. Practice saying no to some things. This is a sign of strength rather than weakness.
Find an activity that relieves your stress and pursue this with the same commitment you give to your work. You may find running relaxing, or you may enjoy the benefits of yoga or meditation. You may even decide to combine some of these activities. This will help you to find some balance in your life.
Explore what is really important to you. There is truth in the adage that nobody ever says on their death bed that they wish they'd spent more time in the office. Step back from the rat race and look at it objectively. Sometimes people strive hard for a position that does not quite live up to expectations. So it is important to enjoy the journey, rather than the destination.