Things to Get Rid of Angry Energy
Brisk Walking
Get rid of angry energy by literally walking away from it. Head outside and walk at a brisk pace if the situation permits. If not, pace inside or find a set of stairs you can climb. The act of walking will give your body something to do and helps to clear your mind as well. You will find yourself feeling calmer over the course of your walk. Endorphins produced by the physical exercise will put you in a better mood so you will be able to cope better if you have to turn your attention back to what upset you.
Shadow Boxing
The Mayo Clinic recommends you release angry feelings in a nonconfrontational manner as the negativity will worsen if you do not. One way to accomplish this release is with the strictly physical activity of shadow boxing. By engaging in mock battle you can "fight" without harming anyone including yourself. Carve out a private space for yourself where you can throw punches, jab, move your feet and duck imaginary punches. Give it your all until you feel your anger dissipating.
Patterned Breathing
When you are mad and cannot physically exert yourself to help shed the negative energy, practice patterned breathing. Start by counting your breaths. You may find you are breathing faster than you normally do. Bring yourself back under control by consciously slowing your respiration. Inhale to a count of five and exhale to a count of eight. Attempt to think of nothing else except your breathing. Picture a completely black screen in front of you to help you stay focused.
An activity that is also appropriate when more physical action cannot be taken is to write. Move your pen along the paper without stopping for several minutes. It does not matter what you write. You can put into words what has happened and your feelings about it. Alternately, you can write down what you would like to do but know you should not really do. For example, plot revenge against all the evils that have conspired against you. Tear up the paper when you have calmed down and exorcised all the nasty feelings.
Venting to Friends
Rely on the sensitive ears of your friends to absorb some of the angry energy you are feeling. Call your best buddy when you are upset and let her know you need to vent. Put your anger into words to expel the negativity. A good friend will allow you to rant while sympathizing with you. The aggressive response will fade and you will know you are loved.