How to Prevent Alcohol Misuse
Choose your recreation wisely and stay away from parties, bars and other places where you know alcohol is served in excess.
Give yourself a personal limit. If you normally lose control after three or four drinks, cut yourself off after one or two drinks, to avoid impairing your judgment.
Find a hobby. Drinking because you're bored can trigger alcohol misuse. Pursue a hobby to keep your mind occupied. Find ways to entertain yourself and friends that don't involve drinking -- host game night, play outdoor sports or plan a movie night.
Substitute other drinks for alcohol. Occasionally experiment with non-alcoholic flavored drinks, such as lemonade or tea, or ask for non-alcoholic versions of your favorite cocktails. If trying to cut back on the amount of alcohol you drink, reserve alcohol for only certain days of the week -- perhaps the weekend -- or take a week-long break from alcohol.
Drink slowly. Gulping down an alcoholic drink and ordering another one can trigger alcohol misuse. If ordering a drink, sip and consume the drink slowly. Eat before drinking alcohol to help minimize adverse effects.