How to Analyze Fatigue & Stress
Look for symptoms that may be indicative of stress or fatigue. The symptoms for both fatigue and stress are extremely similar and include: headache, chest pains, change in sex drive, anxiety, drug abuse, sleep problems, depression or a lack of motivation.
Determine whether the symptoms may be reflective of stress or fatigue or whether they are mere coincidence. For example, you don't want to assume that a person is stressed just because she has a headache. You should take an extra step to determine whether the person exhibits a few symptoms and when these symptoms started to occur.
Consider external factors that may be the causes of stress or fatigue. Some of the main causes of stress are money, family, travel and work. Monetary issues can cause stress both out of a result of having a lot of money or very little money. Those with little money often worry about obtaining more, and those with a lot of money can become overly preoccupied with maintaining a large amount of money.
Determine your ability to get help for yourself or for the person affected. Consult a doctor if you feel that you cannot alleviate your symptoms. Also, sometimes talking can help to unload the emotional baggage of fatigue and stress. In other cases, medication or extreme life changes might be appropriate.