The Leading Causes of Stress Among Women
Work and Money
According to Heart Healthy Women, 60 percent of female workers in the United States feel that their job causes the highest level of stress in their life. There can be multiple reasons that your job is causing you stress. If you work a lot of hours, you may feel that you have little time for exercise, socializing with friends or spending time with family. Having a position of power at work can also put constant pressure on you to perform everyday. Work may also cause you to think about money. If you have a job where you can earn commission, you may put daily stress on yourself to bring in as much income as possible.
Relationships put another huge strain on women. Getting married can be a happy time, but planning a wedding can keep your schedule very full, drain your bank account and cause arguments among family members. Divorce can be just as, if not more, taxing on a person. The divorce process can trigger many stressful conversations about money, child custody and the splitting of property, not to mention the emotional aspects that go along with a divorce. Even single women get effected by relationship stress. Dating and trying to meet the right person can put a lot of pressure on you. Relationships with friends can also increase your stress level if you surround yourself with people who like to drag you into their own problems.
Although all mothers love their children, kids can bring extra stress to your daily life. If you have multiple children who need to be driven to a variety of activities on the same day, it can be overwhelming at times. If you are a working mother, you may struggle with the stress of how much time you spend in the office verses how much time you spend at home. If you have chosen to be a stay-at-home mom, you may start to feel stressed when money is tight and wonder if you are making the right decision.
Dealing with Stress
As a woman it is important for you to find methods to cope with stress. Chronic, untreated stress can lead to high-blood pressure, weight gain and anxiety. Use home relaxation methods to unwind such as yoga, meditation or taking a hot bath. Don't forget to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Sugary sweets and a lack of physical activity can make you more lethargic and stressed out. If you believe that your stress is causing you to become depressed, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional.