Signs of Being Burnt Out
Physical Signs
Many signs of being burnt out are physical, including frequent headaches, muscle pain, backaches, a sudden change in eating habits, a change in sleeping habits, too much sleep or lack of sleep, persistent sicknesses with no apparent cause and an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion. When these signs are felt along with emotional and mental signs of severe stress, it is time to prevent a full-blown burnout.
Emotional Signs
Your emotions are greatly affected by severe stress and are much more pronounced when you are about to get burnt out. If you have a sense of failure, increased self-doubt, a complete loss of motivation and a lack of satisfaction or accomplishment from tasks, you may be about to be burnt out from life. Detachment from friends, family and co-workers is another big sign of a burnout.
Behavioral Signs
A change in the way you behave may be a warning sign. Finding yourself withdrawing from your responsibilities at home or work, isolating yourself in situations where you would normally not do so, procrastinating because you feel like the end result is useless and using food, drugs or alcohol to cope with these new feelings are signs you will become burnt out. A rise in temper or taking out your frustrations on others is another warning sign.
Job Burnout
Many signs and symptoms of work-related burnout are the same as a burnout from life in general. At work you may isolate yourself from co-workers, come in late, be unmotivated to do a good job, feel like working hard is useless and hopeless, feel insecure about your work, feel like every day is a bad day at work and dread going to work to a severe degree. When at home, you may also notice job burnout as the stress and overwhelming loss of control about your job consume you so much it affects other aspects of your life.