Things to Make You Feel Better Emotionally
Solutions for Problems
When something is bothering you, try to think of steps you can take to change it and solve it rather than simply state that it exists. This will encourage you to take steps to solve your problems rather than just dwell on them. If you think of solutions, your brain will be more actively engaged. What's more, when you think about solutions you can often solve your problems, which will also make you feel better emotionally.
Daily Affirmations
Do something nice for yourself every day. Go out for a cup of coffee on your own, buy yourself something you've always wanted, or just spend some time doing what you want to do rather than what you feel obligated or expected to do. This will make you feel better emotionally because you will be consistently be doing nice things for yourself.
Hang out with happy people. Happiness is contagious, but so is the converse. If the people you spend time with are happy, you will find it much easier to be happy. On the other hand, if the people you spend time with are not in a good emotional space, you will drag each other down.
Humor is an excellent way to make yourself feel better emotionally. If you try to find the funny side of the things that happen to you, you will respond to them in a more positive manner. If you look hard enough, there is humor to be found in almost everything. Also, the mere act of looking for it will make you feel better about yourself.