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How to Calm Annoyance

Even slight annoyances build up over time and may result in health issues if not addressed. High blood pressure or an increased heart rate from stress-induced anxiety may lead to heart problems. Fortunately, working through these minor irritations with certain techniques can relieve tension and frustration. Calm work, school or home-related annoyances before they sabotage your mental and physical health.

Things You'll Need

  • Decaffeinated black or green tea
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      Take slow, deep breaths. Relaxing your heat rate with deep breathing exercises calms the nerves reducing anxiety. Inhale slowly through the nose and breathe out through the mouth six to eight times.

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      Release frustration by taking your mind on a serene journey. Refocus to a recent vacation, outing, get-together or quiet evening on your patio. Taking your mind off the annoyance, however brief, provides an escape and helps you to readjust your thinking.

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      Relax your mind and body. Soothe your body in a warm, scent-filled bath or light candles and dim the lights to provide a relaxing atmosphere. Read a book, listen to music, or bake your favorite sweet to take your mind off stressful situations. By redirecting your thought pattern, small annoyances disappear allowing you to calm down.

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      Talk to a friend or loved one about your annoyances. Venting provides a release that helps reduce stress and may help you look at the problems in a new way.

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      Reduce your coffee intake or switch to decaffeinated beverages. Too much caffeine fuels the body, but may cause additional stress. Drink decaffeinated green or black tea for a calming effect.

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      Indulge yourself occasionally with a spa treatment, a decadent dessert or opening a vintage bottle of wine. Pampering yourself once in a while helps ease tension and allows petty annoyances to dissipate.

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      Exercise your body. Take long walks or hit the gym. Exercise releases tension that builds inside your muscles and allows your body to become more relaxed.

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