What is emotional manipulation?
Here are some signs of emotional manipulation:
1. Guilt Tripping: The manipulator tries to make the other person feel guilty about their actions or decisions, even when they are not responsible for causing any harm.
2. Gaslighting: The manipulator constantly denies, contradicts, or trivializes the thoughts, feelings, or memories of the other person, making them doubt their own perceptions and reality.
3. Isolation: The manipulator tries to isolate the other person from their support system, friends, or family, making them dependent on the manipulator for their emotional needs.
4. Love Bombing: The manipulator shows excessive love, affection, and attention initially to build trust and dependency but later withdraws this affection to control and punish the other person.
5. Blame Shifting: The manipulator avoids taking responsibility for their own actions by shifting the blame onto the other person, making them feel responsible for any problems that arise.
6. Withholding Affection: The manipulator uses the withholding of affection, emotional support, or physical intimacy as a way to punish the other person for not doing as desired.
7. Conditional Love: The manipulator's love and support are conditional upon the other person's behavior or actions, creating an environment where the other person constantly seeks validation and approval.
8. Triangulation: The manipulator involves a third person, such as a mutual friend or relative, to create conflict and jealousy, thereby dividing the other person's attention and support.
9. Financial Exploitation: The manipulator exercises control over the other person's finances or resources, leaving them vulnerable and dependent on the manipulator for survival.
10. Threats and Intimidation: The manipulator uses threats, insults, or the implication of physical violence to control and intimidate the other person into submission.
Recognizing emotional manipulation is crucial for maintaining healthy boundaries and protecting oneself from being taken advantage of. If you suspect that you or someone you know is being emotionally manipulated, seeking professional help from a counselor or therapist is recommended.