How to Overcome Frustration Due to Money
Confide in people you feel comfortable talking to. Tell them how your finances are frustrating you. A person you talk to may not have any concrete advice to give, but even just expressing your feelings can help you feel better. However, you may indeed gain a fresh perspective from their objective comments that can help you organize a plan.
Exercise. Regular physical activity can help boost your mood and ease your feelings of frustration. With a clear head and healthy body you will be better prepared to start implementing your next actions.
Track your spending for one month. Save receipts and at the end of the month calculate how much money you spent on bills, food, gas and entertainment.
Set spending limits for monthly expenses such as food and transportation. Use your one-month spending log account as a guideline.
Add the amount you budgeted for expenses to the total amount you pay each month for bills. Make sure the numbers equal less than your monthly income. With conscientious tracking of immediate essentials, hopefully you'll have money left over for some savings and entertainment.
Identify areas where you can cut back. Eat out less or at more budget-friendly establishments; look for better deals on groceries, start clipping coupons; drive less, car pool, plan trips in order to combine errands; perhaps consider seeking a less expensive house or apartment.
Track your spending by recording all your purchases in a notebook (which you should keep handy during the day to make notations) to make sure you stay within your budget.
Set a monthly savings goal to start building a financial nest egg. Save some money before you spend it on nonessential luxuries, such as movie tickets or other entertainment. A nest egg tucked away will help you feel more in control, since unexpected events that suddenly cost you money won't stress you out as much. As you reach your goals, you'll feel less frustrated.