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How to Not Forget Where You Parked

You finally have reached the shopping mall and found a parking spot. After rushing into the mall and getting the items you need, you return to the parking lot only to find a sea of cars and have no clue where you parked your car. You have lost your own car and finding it takes more than clicking an alarm button, especially when you are more than 20 feet from it.

Things You'll Need

  • Cell phone
  • Notepad and pen
  • Antenna bulb
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      Take a picture. Use your cell phone to take a picture of the parking stall you are in. Use objects that are around your car if there is no number listed so that you have a visual key to remember where you parked.

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      Send a text message. Use your cell phone to text message yourself a reminder about where you parked. Include things nearby such as the parking lot section or the stall number.

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      Take notes. Keep a notepad and pen in your car. Write yourself a reminder note about where you parked every time and take these notes with you.

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      Mark the car. Use a flashy or bright antenna bulb and place it on the antenna of your car each time you park to ensure you can find your car in a sea of vehicles.

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      Use the same parking stall. Park in the same location at the grocery store, shopping mall and even at work, if possible. Park next to a familiar object if you are unable to obtain the same parking space each time you visit.

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      Use the panic button feature: Press the panic button feature on your vehicle or engage the alarm so that your vehicle lets out a noise. Remember that every vehicle is different and not all vehicles have a long range on the automobile's remote.

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