The Signs of Burnout and Overexertion
One of the first stages of burnout is usually doubt. You begin to doubt that you can accomplish tasks or wonder how you will ever get things done. You may be projecting a confident exterior, but on the inside it is a different story. At this point, others are not likely to notice much unless they hear you sigh when presented with yet another task to complete.
Have you become rude, obnoxious or even abrasive toward others? Are most of your comments about the negative aspects rather than the positive? These are just a few of the bitter ways people begin to act when they feel burnt out or overexerted. During this stage of burnout, every little thing becomes annoying, and people often begin to make statements such as "What does it matter anyway?" "There's no point" and other statements of disinterest and lack of care.
Feelings of distress and agitation are also known as anxiety and are common among people who have become overexerted for one reason or another. Anxiety, if gone untreated, can lead to muscle and headaches, fatigue and even trembling.
Exhaustion caused by burnout and overexertion can hit home at the physical, mental and emotional levels. Feeling "completely exhausted" is a bright red flag letting you know that you have reached a serious point of distress. If you find that no matter how much rest you get, you still feel exhausted, it is time to take a break from that which is overworking you, examine the situation and try a different approach.
This is likely to be one of the last signs of overexertion and becomes the point where people lash out at others, often acting in way that is not normal to their personality. Complete and utter breakdown can occur. If there is any way to receive help before or at this point, reach for it. Employers often offer to paid for counseling services to help with these situations.