The Different Approaches to Conflict
Passive Approach
The passive approach avoids outward disagreement and arguing. Passive people tend to have difficulty saying no when people make requests; instead, the passive person submissively gives in to the other person's demands. When people behave passively, their needs are not met and they do not share their thoughts and feelings. People who respond passively fear conflict and allow the other person to make decisions for them, an action that often leads to feelings of anger, resentment and helplessness.
Aggressive Approach
The aggressive approach infringes upon or violates the rights of others. Aggressive communication may include threats, demands or intimidation tactics. People who behave aggressively often criticize and dominate others. In an attempt to have their own needs met, aggressive people sacrifice the needs of others. An aggressive approach tends to alienate others due to the disrespect inherent to it. Aggressive people may get what they want in the short-term, but in the long-term lack meaningful relationships.
Passive-Aggressive Approach
People who behave passive-aggressively appear passive initially. They often agree with others outwardly and then sabotage efforts to follow through with the plan. For example, when told by a supervisor to give a tour to new employees on a particular day, the employee may agree but then call in sick that day to avoid following through. Passive-aggressive people tend to have difficulty acknowledging their feelings and asking for what they need.
Assertive Approach
The assertive approach allows people to share their thoughts and feelings while advocating for themselves. Unlike the aggressive approach, assertive communication does not infringe on the rights of others. People who behave assertively respect the rights of others and take full responsibility for their own behaviors and feelings. Using an assertive approach allows people to listen and take into consideration the needs and feelings of others when attempting to reach a solution.