Physical Symptoms Caused by Emotions
Digestive Disorders
Stress can cause feelings many people describe as knots in their stomach. Heartburn, stomach aches, cramps and nausea can result from worrisome emotions. On one end of the spectrum, constipation and flatulence can occur; on the other end, diarrhea is a common physical symptom from stress.
Speech and Mouth
Feeling tense is a normal reaction to stress, which can lead to constant jaw clenching or teeth grinding. This constant tension in your jaw can cause unbearable headaches. Grinding and clenching can also occur while you're sleeping, which can wear down your teeth. Nervousness from stress can lead to stuttering or stammering when your mind is constantly racing and can't focus. Tremors in your lips are also a common physical condition.
Prolonged stress can become life-altering, when it leads to depression. Anxiety and worrisome thoughts can be consuming and affect your quality of life. Anger, frustration and hostility are all signs of stress, which can affect relationships and overall happiness. Severe cases of depression can cause suicidal thoughts--a sign that help is needed right away. Although medication is regularly diagnosed to patients suffering from depression, some can lead to a myriad of side effects, some of which are life-threatening.
Daily Routines
Stress can alter sleeping and eating patterns, resulting in insomnia or eating disorders. Nightmares and disturbing dreams can also occur, which can affect the quality of sleep. Fatigue and the constant feeling of being tired are common symptoms of prolonged stress. Eating patterns can also be affected. Some people lose weight because of their loss of appetite, while others overeat as a reaction to stress.