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How to Remember What You Did Last Week

With busy schedules and nonstop activities, days, weeks and even months often pass in a blur. When you need to remember what you did last week, there are several methods you can use to jog your memory.


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      Review your emails. Many people wait awhile before they delete old emails. In this case, that's a good thing. You may have an email about an important meeting you attended, a dinner date you had or an excruciating dental appointment. All of these things can jog your memory regarding the events of last week.

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      Check your calendar. Even if you don't record your every move, calendars often contain important appointments that can be useful in recreating your movements. A appointment with your accountant, psychiatrist, masseuse or other professional may provide a jumping off point to recreate your movements.

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      Access financial records. By checking your banking records online, checkbook register or ATM receipts, you may recall where you were and what you did several days ago. An entry where you paid for that new blouse, withdrew cash in a different part of town or wrote a check to pay the neighborhood kids for the candy you bought from their latest fundraiser can help you recall your previous activities.

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      Review social networking media. Even though you may have posted about the events of the previous week on Facebook, MySpace or Twitter, it doesn't mean you remember them now. Review any posts you made the previous week about what you did and when you did it.

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      Ask family and friends what you did last week. While your life may have passed in a blur, people close to you will often remember what you did. Your mom may recall that you told her you spent the night barhopping, your dad may remember fixing your car's fan belt and your sister may remind you how you spent two hours on the phone discussing the merits and drawbacks of cosmetic procedures.

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      Check your laundry. When you wash your clothes at the weekend, notice what is in the hamper. Your favorite red dress that you always wear dancing, your work jeans that you use for gardening or your white work shirt with the spaghetti stains on it can all provide clues to last week's activities.

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      Check your journal or diary. When you keep a diary, you often record events large and small. The day your mother made you mad when she commented on your new hairstyle or the day the office snitch told on you for leaving early are events you may have recorded that will help you remember other things that happened last week.

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      Check your Internet browsing history. Maybe you searched for a new health club that you joined, mapped a route to a library on the other end of town or searched for a qualified criminal attorney for your little brother. The wealth of information in your Internet history can remind you of the events of the last seven days.

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