Effects of Negative Body Image
Poor Social Interactions
The lack of confidence from negative body image can inhibit the growth of friendships and relationships. You may become severely self-conscious and develop beliefs that people will not like you. Other people may stay in abusive relationships because they feel worthless and doubt their ability to find an emotionally nurturing partner. Negative body image, especially for adolescents, can increase the susceptibility to peer pressure. The search for approval may lead them to high-risk behavior such as promiscuity and substance abuse.
Loss of Opportunities
A negative body image can lessen the chances that you will have the confidence to pursue and seek opportunities. If you are constantly comparing yourself to others, then you may feel inadequate and reduce your efforts to advance, such as gain admission to college, start a business or practice a hobby. Body image also can cause low-self esteem. Those with low-self esteem are less likely to engage in activities that they may fail, avoid self-improvement efforts or goals because they doubt their success and feel hopeless. Using harmful coping mechanisms such as drugs increases the loss of opportunities.
Extreme Measures to Change
Body image issues associated with weight can start young. The need to meet personal and social beauty standards can cause many with a negative body image to take part in extreme behavior to change or remove undesirable physical characteristics. A woman, for example, may try to cover her features with excessive makeup, obtain plastic surgery, constantly diet or even develop an eating disorder. American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2008 statistics reveal that women have 92 percent of plastic surgeries. Men may try to alleviate their negative body image through steroids, excessive exercising and hair transplants. The Milwaukee School of Engineering reports that in 1997 American men spent $4 billion on exercise equipment and gym memberships.
Your poor body image can negatively affect your overall self image and cause depression. The negative body image can alter your view of your personality, abilities and future, creating feelings of shame and hopelessness. The consequences of the decisions due to negative body image can also contribute to depression. Addictions, abusive relationships and lost opportunities can intensify the prior emotional and mental damage.