How to Adjust to Moving
Take care of yourself. Eat well, get enough sleep and pamper yourself in other areas if you have the means to do so. Taking a walk is not only good for you physically and mentally, but is free and will also help you get acclimated to your new neighborhood.
Embrace change. Take any of the fear-provoking thoughts you may be having, such as questioning the move, and find positive outcomes. Moving to a new locale will allow you to have fun discovering new people, places and things.
Lower your expectations. Expecting too much from a place can set you up for potential disappointment. Don't compare your new environment to your old one. Some things will be better, some won't. Some neighbors will be friendlier than others. It's not being negative, either. Lowering your expectations opens yourself up to being pleasantly surprised.
Network, network, network. Visit social networking sites that highlight local events. Attend these events to meet new people. Join a club related to your interests. You'll meet like-minded people. Visit the local library. Don't be shy about talking with someone at the reference desk and telling them you're new to the area.
Pat yourself on the back. Whether out of necessity or by choice, you took the necessary steps and made the move. That's no small feat. It takes courage and determination to pack up, move and tackle a new phase in your life. Congratulate yourself for your accomplishment.