Causes of Adult Stress
Jobs are one of the biggest triggers of stress around. From having to work long hours and dealing with inconsiderate co-workers and bosses, job stress can be very emotionally and physically taxing. Trivial but excessive office politics and gossiping also can bring about stress, especially for those being gossiped about. Another primary job-related stress trigger is job security. If an individual is in constant fear that his job is on the line, he is likely to feel an enormous amount of stress and anxiety.
Financial difficulties are also a major component to stress. If you are worried about how to pay your bills on time or how you are going to save for your child's college fund, then you are most likely going to experience many of the emotional and physical symptoms that are associated with stress, from depression and sleeping problems to skin conditions and overeating.
Changes in Life
Serious and dramatic life changes also can cause extreme stress. Some examples of difficult life changes include the death of a spouse or any other family member, the death of a child or friend, divorce and other relationship problems, moving to a new house or apartment, changing jobs and fighting with a spouse or close friend.
Health also is a major stress trigger that can leave people feeling helpless, hopeless and confused. This can apply to personal health and the health of others around you, from your spouse to your friends. Apart from medical conditions, such as cancer and heart disease, other health issues can causen stress, such as substance abuse.
If you are the parent of a child that is acting out or severely troubled, that also is a serious source of stress, especially if you feel that she is out of control and you have done everything you can to help her get back on track.