The Types of Road Rage
Warrior of the Road
Also referred to as a "Road Warrior" from the "Mad Max" movie series, this type of driver actually uses the highway to inflict fear and damage on other motorists. These types of drivers purposely tailgate and cut drivers off in an attempt to get the driver to react to the reckless driving (e.g. screaming at the reckless driver, cutting the driver off as well, and so on). When this occurs, the "road warrior" sees this as a reason to retaliate. Many intentional fatalities have occurred on the highway thanks to these "road warriors," therefore always think twice before you retaliate to one's bad driving.
Addicts of Rage
While the idea of being addicted to being angry all the time is beyond many individual's comprehension, this is exactly what rage addicts are addicted to. These addicts feel as if there is nothing that can be done to improve one's life, and feel victimized by everyone (e.g. friends, spouse, children, boss, and others). And this aggression follows the addict when he steps behind the wheel. If a driver cuts this addict off or even drives too slowly, the addict could retaliate in a number of ways, from honking his horn to hitting the other vehicle with his car.
Competitive Drivers
This type of driver loves being competitive, and the highway is no different. These people have to drive faster than all other vehicles, have to be the first to take off at a stop light, and generally needs to be seen as "superior." While this is dangerous in itself for the driver and other drivers, if the driver has anger issues as well this could act out if the driver believes he "lost." Thus, the driver could retaliate against other drivers in a number of ways (e.g. harassing the driver, following the driver around the highway, and so on).
Road Police
These types of drivers believe everyone should abide by his rules. For example, this driver may believe that everyone should drive the speed limit. Therefore, he may drive in the left hand lane at the speed limit in a situation where no one can pass without him speeding up. With this being the case, everyone is forced to drive as slow as he is. Some of these types of drivers may take the rules to such extremes, that if someone tries to pass him he may speed up then slow down when others are unable to pass again so everyone drives the speed limit.