What Are the Causes of Relationship Stress?
The Blame Game
It comes naturally for some people to find fault in others. As a defense mechanism, we find it natural to sometimes blame somebody else even when we are wrong. In a relationship, this tendency can be damaging. Such behavior can be hazardous to an otherwise healthy relationship for two reasons. First, it prevents you from taking a step back and learning from the experience. It is important to be able to accept the situation as feedback, meaning give yourself a moment to realize whether you are part of the problem. Second, it limits your view of your relationship in terms of just "right" and "wrong." Blaming your partner makes it more difficult to accept your partner and all of his or her shortcomings.
It is important to find common financial goals with your partner. Finances are usually the most common topic in arguments between couples. Men have a tendency to not save for emergencies and take more financial risks. Women view money much differently since it is usually a source of security for them. Women are more prone to saving for those unexpected emergencies. It is important to sit down together and discuss your common financial goals.
Sex and Intimacy
Making time for intimacy with your partner can actually relieve stress and anxiety. Lack of sexual activity will certainly be the cause of, or at the least add to, an already stressful relationship. You may not share your partner's expectations regarding intimacy. Causes can range from a shortage of time to just being tired from work. Men and women commonly approach sex and intimacy with very different expectations. Communication is the most important component of intimacy. In fact, research has shown that physical intimacy is great for relieving stress and anxiety.
Juggling a career and child makes it more difficult to find time for you and your partner. Although you love your children, it does not take long to realize that love is not the only thing they need. Patience, time and creativity are important resources you must draw on as a parent. Although it has its rewards, it is a 24-hour, tiring endeavor to be a parent. Add a job or career on top of that and it becomes increasingly difficult to find time for you and your partner.