Ways to Remember a Lost Friend
Record Your Memories
Everyone deals with grief differently, but one way to work through it and help remember your friend is to record the memories you shared with him or her. Write down or record any stories you have with your friend, including trips, shared secrets and times of comfort. As your grief abides and you can remember your friend without pain, you'll cherish these recorded memories.
Collect Memories From Others
Your friend's death hasn't just affected you, so contact other friends or family members to share memories and stories with. Add these new stories and memories to your collection. Record stories on audio tape or make copies of home videos. Collect any newspaper clippings that may have featured your friend.
Create a Memory Book
Keep all the stories and memories of your friend in one place with a memory book or box. Make additional copies for your friend's family or other friends to help with the healing process and to keep the memory alive. Add handwritten notes to remember tiny details that may fade as the years pass.
Celebrate Your Friend's Life
While it's normal to grieve for the loss of your friend, don't forget that she had interests, likes and dislikes, too. Donate some time or money to a charity your friend felt passionate about, or conduct a fundraiser in your friend's memory to aid the cause. Play your friend's favorite song and remember how much she loved it.