How to Express Feelings of Grief
Write about your loved one. You can use a journal, which you keep private, to express your own feelings of loss and sadness. Consider the journal a safe space to write honestly about your feelings. You can also write poetry or a story in memory of the person you have lost. Some people find it helpful to write the story of the loved one's life that can be shared with other family members.
Make an album of memories. Compiling photos, letters and other remembrances of your loved one and gathering them into an album can help you focus on her life. An album can also provide you with a source to turn to when you feel alone or find yourself missing your loved one. Keep the album somewhere accessible such as on a bookshelf in your living room. This way your loved one will stay present in your daily life.
Sign up to participate in a run or walk. If your loved died of cancer or another disease you can likely find a walk or run to support research and prevention in your area. The American Cancer Society and the Susan G. Komen Foundation both sponsor events for cancer survivors and their loved ones throughout the country. Channeling some of your grief into a cause that helps prevent others from suffering from the same disease as your loved one can feel empowering. It can also introduce you to others who have experienced a similar loss.
Join a support group. Local hospitals, mental health centers and cancer care centers typically offer a variety of support groups, including groups which address grief. A support group is a safe environment in which to explore your feelings of loss and grieve with others who can relate to your experience.