How to Stay Healthy Despite Adversities in Life
Stay connected to your family or social network. Share your situation with those you feel comfortable talking to about your life and circumstances. Ask for help if you need it -- and allow people to help you.
Implement or maintain healthy eating habits by incorporating a balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat while limiting junk food. Consult your physician about dietary restrictions or recommendations if you have health ailments. Visit the United States Department of Agriculture's website to look at the recommended dietary guidelines.
Limit caffeine and caffeinated products. Mild caffeine may not impact all individuals in the same way, but heavy caffeine consumption has negative drawbacks. According to the Mayo Clinic, excess caffeine consumption -- 500 mg per day or more -- can cause nervousness, insomnia, anxiety, restlessness and digestive problems among other possible side effects.
Focus on positive elements of your life. Make a list of things you like about your life to reflect upon when life is challenging. This list may include past achievements, honors, accomplishments or moments in your life that made you happy. Surround yourself with positive thoughts and people. Research has shown positive thinking has long-term benefits including reduced rates of distress, depression and improved mental well-being. Negativity is self-defeating and can add further stress to situations. Instead, focus on positive self-talk, reading positive books and listening to uplifting music. You can also begin a gratitude journal in which you record daily thankfulness for positive aspects of your life as well as quotes or messages that focus on positivity and appreciation.
Be physically active. Studies have proven physical exercise improves the body physically and mentally. "The merits of regular physical activity, from preventing chronic health conditions to promoting weight loss and better sleep, are hard to ignore. And the benefits are yours for the taking, regardless of age, sex or physical ability," notes the Mayo Clinic. Start or maintain your exercise routine and find new sources for physical activity if needed. Join a gym or participate in exercise classes to keep your mind and body moving. If you have suffered a physical ailment, speak to your physician or specialist to create an appropriate exercise plan.
Meditate to quiet your mind. Take a yoga class to learn techniques on breathing and focusing your thoughts. Yoga is a practice that has existed for more than 5,000 years. Yoga helps the body and mind in numerous ways including concentration, strength, flexibility and posture -- in addition to other grounding aspects. Most communities have yoga classes taught in gyms, health clubs and college campuses.
Participate in activities you enjoy. If you love to cook, sew, read or travel, continue to include those elements in your life. Seek a new hobby such as learning a foreign language or mastering a new skill which may help you create time every day to focus on something positive.
Rest your body and mind. Adequate sleep is necessary for every body to function and work properly. Exercising can help improve sleep patterns as well as quality. Dim the lights an hour or so before your normal bed time. Limit distractions of television late at night. Try deep-breathing exercises as you lay down.
Find a support group. Support groups exist with a diverse focus area. Contact your local United Way, non-profit clearinghouse or refer to the phone book. You can also contact a national organization to find a chapter near you. Consult with your physician or a clergy office for additional resources and guidance including counseling.
Volunteer to help others in need. Connecting to other people and supporting causes can lift your heart and spirits. Depending on your community there are dozens to thousands of ways to volunteer -- from planting trees or building houses to working with underprivileged children or teaching literacy. Visit to find service projects in or near your zip code.
Try to maintain your normal routine as feasibly as possible. When you plan your schedule or make commitments, this will help remind you that you are in control of your life and time.
Laugh loud and often. Laughing releases hormones, elevates endorphins and may reduce stress hormone production. According to a research group at University of California, Irvine, test subjects discussed a video and conferred they found it to be funny. When these same 16 test subject watched the video, positive biological impact began quickly and their endorphins rose over 25 percent while stress hormone production had significant decrease.