The Bearing That Conflict & Deviance Have on One Another
Social conflict is a sociological term that asserts that society is made up of inequality that creates conflict and change, and it explains deviance in these terms. According to this theory, social norms reflect the interests of those with power; this creates conflict as those without power are often seen as deviant.
Class is a key feature of conflict theory and deviance. According to conflict theory, laws are created to protect the rich. Those with power, have the financial means to protect themselves and prevent themselves from being seen as deviant. For instance, a rich person is likely to hire good legal protection.
Karl Marx was the political philosopher who created the theory of social conflict. According to Marx, capitalism is at the root of all inequality, and those who control productive property, such as land or factories, use their power to dominate the criminal justice system. This creates deviance in the poor, since the laws are designed to protect the rich.