How to Stop Biting Your Nails Fast
Nail biting is a very unhealthy habit. It can be linked with nervous behavior or as a sign of boredom. Biting your nails can lead to several issues including nails that are permanently deformed, bacterial infections and dental problems. An additional problem with nail biting is that throughout the day you are touching several surfaces that may contain germs, and those germs are getting into your mouth. Here are a few tips that will help you stop biting your nails fast.Things You'll Need
- Nail file
- Nail clippers
- Nail polish
- Rubber gloves
- Rubber band
Keep your nails trimmed and clean. You can prevent nail biting by trimming your fingernails straight across and not in an oval shape. One of the common causes for nail biting is when the nails are jagged and rough. It can be tempting to bite the nail so that the rugged edge doesn't get snagged on anything. Use a pair of nail clippers or a nail file to get rid of the ragged edge.
Apply nail polish to your fingernails to help you stop biting them. When the nails are covered with nail polish, it can be less tempting to bite them. There are some forms of nail polish that have a bitter tasting quality to them. If the nail tastes bad, this can prevent you from biting your nails.
Get a professional manicure. If you go to the trouble of spending the money on a professional manicure, you will not want to ruin the nice job they did.
Wear rubber gloves. It will be hard for you to bite your nails when they are covered with gloves.
Use behavioral therapy. One way to do this is by placing a rubber band around your wrist, and when you realize that you're biting your nails, snap the rubber band so it hits your wrist. Once you associate pain as a consequence to biting your nails, you'll be less likely to do it in the future.
Ask a family member or a friend to remind you to stop biting your nails if they catch you doing it. Support from family and friends can help you stop your nail biting habit by using gentle reminders.