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How to Release Grudges

Holding a grudge can have negative consequences on a person's life. A grudge causes a person to harbor feelings of anger, hurt and resentment. These feelings can lead to anxiety and depression, according to the Mayo Clinic. Letting go of a grudge can help a person release these feelings of anger and hostility, which can make it possible to begin a life filled with less conflict and stress.


    • 1

      Write down the reasons for holding the grudge. Remember the entire situation and detail the actions of yourself and the other person onto paper. Also write down how the person made you feel at the time and how you feel about the situation now.

    • 2

      Write down and detail an incident where you have caused someone to be bitter toward you. This might help you reach a new understanding on how to release a grudge.

    • 3

      Share your story with a friend or family member. This person can help give you some perspective on the situation and can help you find ways to begin the process of forgiving.

    • 4

      Realize the benefits of letting go of the grudge. Holding onto anger and resentment is having a negative impact on your life, not the other person. Chances are that person has moved on, leaving you to feel the impact of the wrong-doing.

    • 5

      Talk to the person that harmed you and made you angry. Tell this person how these actions have affected your life. Prepare yourself for the fact that this person might not apologize.

    • 6

      Seek the help of a licensed therapist, if financially feasible. This person can help you work through your anger. A member of the clergy can be sought for religious guidance as well.

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