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How to Get Rid of an Urge

Urges are a natural part of being a human being. However, some urges --- such as the urge to overeat, smoke, twist or pull your own hair, pick at your skin or to act on other destructive impulses --- may lead to problems. Whether you are trying to break a habit such as smoking or you have other unwanted urges you wish to remove, the general process is the same.

Things You'll Need

  • Pen
  • Index card
  • Rubber band or bracelet
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    • 1

      Remove items from your home or, if possible, office that could tempt you. If your urge is to smoke, for example, get rid of all cigarettes. You are less likely to cheat and have a cigarette if you have to take the time to go out and purchase some. This applies to sweets if your problem is a sweet tooth.

    • 2

      Distract yourself the moment you feel the urge arising. Drink some water, watch television, go for a walk or get any kind of exercise --- do anything that will get your mind off the urge.

    • 3

      Schedule activities during the time you usually feel the urge the strongest. For example, if you are trying to quit smoking or diminish your urge for sweets and you usually get strong urges at certain times of the day, fill these times with busy activities.

    • 4

      Write down the positive benefits of resisting the urge on an index card and carry this with you. The University of Maryland Medical center (reference 2) recommends this for anyone trying to quit smoking. This can help you resist other urges as well.

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      Give yourself a reward for resisting the urge. If you go without giving into the urge for a week, for example, purchase something nice for yourself.

    • 6

      Wear a bracelet or a rubber band around your wrist to remind you not to give in to the urge. When urges are habits, giving in to them can become automatic. A visual reminder can prevent this.

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