How to Overcome Stage Fear
Overcoming Stage Fear
Prepare thoroughly. The best thing you can do is be absolutely, thoroughly prepared and rehearsed, with contingency plans worked out for any eventuality. That way, all you need to do is step up, introduce yourself and simply execute your plan.
Relax. Practice relaxation techniques, like deep breathing and meditation. Get enough rest. Take a brief nap before it is time to go on stage.
Remember, the audience is rooting for you. No one wants you to fail. Even hecklers, ultimately, want you to succeed, and they want to be educated or entertained.
Maintain perspective. Remember, you are a far greater critic of your own performance than anyone in your audience is. It was your dedication to perfection that got you on the stage to begin with. Frequently, it doesn't even matter how well you did.
Crack a joke. A little levity goes a long way to lightening the mood.