What Does Post-Traumatic Mean?
The term "post-traumatic" refers to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). According to the National Institute of Mental Health, PTSD is a psychological condition that causes a great amount of anxiety. Sometimes, the level of anxiety experienced is immobilizing and restricts individuals from leaving their home or engaging in relationships with others.
Psychologists, therapists and counselors perform a psychological evaluation to determine if a patient has PTSD. Patients who admit to living through traumatic experiences such as war, accidents or abuse and have difficulty coping with or letting go of troubled thoughts may be diagnosed with PTSD.
People who have PTSD continue to re-experience the traumatic events that happened to them in the past. They may relive the moments in their minds, or may be reminded of the traumatic experiences through external triggers such as sights, sounds, smells and tastes.