5 Steps to Positive Thinking
Give Up Perfection
Striving for perfection leads to constant worry about not measuring up to your goals. No one is perfect so this type of behavior can only lead to stress. Rather, set small goals that you can accomplish. When those goals get accomplished, you will have a feeling of relief that you finished something.
Use Constructive Language
Using motivating phrases throughout your day helps encourage positive thinking. Rather than telling yourself that you cannot do something, tell yourself that you can do it. Any self-esteem issues that you struggle with should have a motivating phrase attached. In the morning tell yourself that you can do anything you put your mind to. Avoid using harsh or negative language.
Dwell on the Positive
There are many things to be thankful for, even in the midst of tragic events. Dwell on these positive things rather than focusing on the negative. If you have food, shelter, family or friends you have a reason for thankfulness. When you get tempted to think about the negative in your life, make a choice to switch to thinking about the good things in life.
Look for Incorrect Thinking
According to the Mayo Clinic's website, your beliefs about an event greatly impact your reaction to the event. This may encourage negative physical and emotional reactions. Notice when you are thinking incorrectly and change the pattern of thought. For instance, if you think a friend does not call you because she hates you, recognize whether this is an incorrect thought. Replace this thought with the concept that your friend has been busy lately and maybe you should give her a call.
Put Hope In Your Statements
When you engage in self-talk, add hopeful statements. A lack of hope may lead to negative thinking. Know that your goals can be accomplished and that you have a bright future ahead of you. Tell yourself this when you are getting ready in the morning and before you go to bed at night. Focus on what you want and tell yourself what you need to do in order to get that. When you hope, you begin to have a positive thought pattern.