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Relaxation Tips for Kids

According to Mental Health Matters, if your child is hyperactive or stressed out, rather than yelling at him or scolding him, try using a few relaxation exercises to help your child calm down. Any child can benefit from relaxation techniques that will help hi tom wind down at the end of the day.
  1. Breathing Exercises

    • Mental Health Matters recommends that you try teaching your child a few simple breathing exercises, an easy way to calm anybody. Have your child take in a deep breath through her nose, slowly. Then have her exhale through her mouth. Have her repeat this as needed. Additionally, advise your child to use this technique when feeling angry or upset.

    Warm Bath

    • A simple way to help your child relax, mentally and physically, is to draw a warm bath. Mental Health Matters notes that adding salt or bubbles may increase the relaxation of the experience for your child. If you do not have a bathtub, a hot shower would also suffice.

    Story Time

    • Mommyland suggests implementing a nightly story time as a way to calm your child down at the end of the day. Focusing on the story will allow your child to take his mind off of any issues or lingering stresses of the day. As an added bonus, allow your child to choose the story each night.


    • Mental Health Matters also advises having your child go for short walks when stressed. This will help to burn off extra energy, while also calming him with the repetitive motion of one foot in front of the other.

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