How to Overcome My Camera Shyness
Observe other people in your field as they appear before the camera. For example, watch commercials for the product you will advertise or look at magazines similar to those for which you will pose. You can get ideas from other professionals in your field, which can boost your confidence when you are in front of the camera.
Consult with a local theater company, photography store or other related local professionals. Actors, photographers and others in the field may be able to provide first-hand guidance and advice.
Enroll in a public speaking or acting class at a local college or community center. Even if the class does not directly involve cameras, practicing speaking in front of people can help you adjust to the idea of being filmed.
Practice your material, poses or other requirements for your shoot. The more confident you become with the material beforehand, the less you will worry about it when the camera is snapping or recording.
Recruit a friend or family member to take photos or record your material on a digital camera. This informal exposure to the camera can help you become comfortable with the setup for your presentation, easing your comfort level when the actual presentation comes.
Review the photos or video with a friend and constructively criticize your work. Discuss which areas and techniques you mastered and which you may need to practice more. This constructive criticism will give you confidence in the abilities you have, as well as your ability to revamp your style and perform wonderfully at the final camera shoot.