How to Create an Ecomap
Write the subject of the ecomap's name in the middle of the paper. Draw a circle around the name.
Write the names of important people in the subject's life around the page. Draw circles around them too.
Add circles for the systems to which you or the subject are connected, such as church, school, job, social groups or a neighborhood.
Draw lines connecting each of the people and systems to the subject. A thick line or two parallel lines represent a strong relationship, a dotted line represents an uncertain or tenuous relationship and a single line represents a weak relationship.
Add arrowheads to the lines. The arrows are used to indicate a drain or provision of resources. For example, resources being drained by the subject of the ecomap have an arrow pointing toward the subject. Resources being provided by the subject have an arrow pointing away from the subject.
Add stress lines. If a relationship, regardless of strength and flow of resources, is considered stressful by the subject, add a wavy pattern on top of the existing connection lines.
Share the ecomap with a trusted friend, social worker or counselor. Social workers or counselors can provide feedback and analyze the health of each relationship illustrated on the ecomap.