Signs & Symptoms of Work Related Stress
Physical Symptoms
The physical symptoms of work-related stress are the same as other types of stress. Stress causes muscular tension. When this happens in the neck and shoulders it can lead to headaches, upper back and neck pain. Stress also causes the body to release adrenaline and cortisol into the blood stream. These chemicals increase the heart rate and cause the pupils to constrict, leading to blurred vision. Adrenaline and cortisol shut down the digestive system, which can lead to heartburn, indigestion and other digestive problems. People under stress also experience sleep disturbances like trouble getting or staying asleep and early waking. These sleep disturbances lead to tiredness during the day. Rashes, or hives, and sweating are also symptoms of stress.
Emotional Symptoms
Emotional and physical symptoms often work together to form a vicious cycle. You may feel that you can't cope with your work situation, which leads to sleep disturbances. The lack of sleep and daytime tiredness leads to difficulty concentrating and feeling less motivated. Add muscle tension and pain to the mix and you have irritability and mood swings, which affect your job performance and further add to your inability to cope. Digestive problems can lead to loss of appetite and disturbed eating patterns. Loss of sex drive can also affect eating patterns, as people may seek comfort from food in place of sex.
Workplace Signs
You may find yourself taking work home with you. Sometimes, this is actual physical work whereas, at other times, you may simply find that you spend all of your off time thinking about work. You may also find that the mere thought of work causes stress and you dread going to work. While at work you may feel overwhelmed and skip breaks or work late to get everything accomplished. You may make mistakes, or worry so much about making mistakes, that it affects your job performance. Stress-related irritability and mood swings may adversely affect your relationships with your coworkers.